Helping Service Professionals Turn Their Networks Into A Consistent Flow Of New Clients and Referrals...

Hey there, Michael Griffiths here, creator of the Leveraged Connections Program.

We might not have met yet, but the one thing I'm truly passionate about is helping service professionals to grow their client base and smash their business growth out of the park.

If you're a service professional that relies on word of mouth, referrals, networking or you need to be having more conversations with potential clients... Then you are in the right spot!

Unfortunately, most service professionals either don't have a system (or the time) to build a network of potential clients, let alone the time to engage with them, stay front of mind of them and to create new conversations with them.

Lucky For You.... This Is What We Are Great At Doing!

We will:

  • Build you a powerful network of potential clients.
  • Keep you engaged and front of mind of your network.
  • Get you into new conversations with your network, so you can see what business you can do together.

That is why we built the Leveraged Connections Program... To help you grow your client base consistently every month!

We'll do it with the perfect mix of 1:1 Strategy, Custom Campaigns, Plug In Software, Proven Playbooks and Monthly Project Cycles.

We integrate your LinkedIn profile to our software and do 80% of the heavy lifting for you, leaving you more time to work with your clients and enrol new ones.

The Model Is Simple:


Phase #1: Clients and Money

We start with your on-boarding session and getting your 6 main campaigns set up in the first week!

We'll get your Connection Campaigns set up to bring in new potential clients.

We'll create your Engagement Campaigns to get you back front of mind, engaging with your networks and in conversations that will create business growth.

We'll deploy your 'Invite and Ask' campaign to bring in HOT Leads, New Clients, and Cash, this will get you quick Wins!

Finally, we'll give you all the text replacements and scripts to implement the Conversation Flow Matrix.

{Please note that the first two months will be tactic focused and putting enough money in your bank account to more than pay for the entire year}

Our Aim In Phase #1, Is To Generate A Minimum $10,000 In The First 90 Days Of Working Together.

After The First 90 Days We Begin Phase #2: Growth

Phase two is all about building out your Million Dollar Network , creating a consistent 5 new clients per month, and scaling your business.

1. We'll start by taking you through the Strategic Partner Finder and set up your Referral Source Campaign, this will instantly increase the number of referrals you receive from your networks.

2. You'll then be walked through how to use your very own LinkedIn Event Campaign to increase your lead flow and build up your prospect list.

4. Every week we run Skill Sessions, Masterminds, Hot Seats, Tactic Sessions and Campaign Reviews, so you'll have the latest strategies, tactics and tools from the best people in the industry.

5. Every 6 weeks we get together as a group on zoom to report our progress, identify your current obstacles, and provide a clear roadmap forward. We call this your 6-Week Game Plan.

6. You'll have personal guidance and my hand helping you with strategy. You will also have smart, capable eyes critiquing your campaigns to ensure they enrolling you new clients every month.

7. It easily pays for itself.

People are often curious about our leveraged connections software, so here is a quick behind the scenes look.

The Leveraged Connections Program comes with our Leveraged Connections Software and this will do 80% of the heavy lifting for you, saving you a minimum 10 - 15 hours per month.

Everyday you will have your campaigns running, conversations started, engagement activities taking place and all without you having to lift a finger.

All you need to focus on is taking the conversations to where ever they help your business grow.

Just before we get to the investment and guarantee, the number one question I'm asked is "how much time will this take me?".

Great question!

The answer... Under 3 hours per week

  • 1hr with me at our weekly training / mentoring session, so you are clear on what you need to be doing and how to turn conversations into new clients quickly. (yes these are recorded and available to see at anytime).

  • 4 times a week, spending 20 minutes in conversations with your network.

  • 30 minutes a week sharing your genius. The framework is all provided for you to copy.

That's it! Your whole sales and marketing funnel running smoothly for you in under 3 hours a week!

I Want You To Win and I'll Guarantee That You Will

We discount the first 90 days in Phase 1 to make it easy to get started and get a Return On Investment QUICKLY.

$150 per week for 12 weeks which is Phase #1

And then 12 monthly payments of $1,000 for Phase #2

After that, we'll go month to month, as long as you're loving it and making progress.

90 Day 'Love It or Leave It' Guarantee

By the end of Phase 1, we'll both know if we want to keep working together or not, so there's a 90 day 'Love It or leave it' period.

If either of us isn't feeling it, we tear up the agreement and walk away as friends.

If we are both good, we move onto scaling you up for the next 12 months in phase 2.

Our next onboarding group starts soon, so I'm looking for the best fit.

So if you...

  • Are a service professional doing minimum $75,000 a year
  • Have 500+ people on your LinkedIn profile
  • Have space to take on new clients every month, starting immediately
  • Are friendly and coachable
  • And you won't get distracted by shinning things :)

If that's you and you'd like to join us then...

  • Click on the Acceptance Form button below
  • Fill in the enrolment form
  • We'll get you set up with your software and get you booked in to the onboarding kickoff group.

And I Can't wait to help you create a Million Dollar Business through leveraging your Million Dollar Network!

Take Me To The Acceptance Form To Get Started

Our Clients Love Us

"I have never had a real system to market my business or be consistent in attracting new clients to work with. Once I nailed down my ideal target audience the LC system did the rest. I was in more conversations than ever before and I actually enjoyed marketing my business each day.

Thank you so much team for the help."

- Peter Crossbey

(Business Coach)

"It's fair to say as accountants we are great at numbers and horrible at marketing. At the start I didn't think I would be able to have conversations each day with everyone, but it was only a 20 minutes block and before long, it was actually fun seeing how I could help everyone I was talking to.

We have had 7 new clients in the past 4 months and business is flying."

- Susan Allen


"Connecting to builders, town planners, designers, real estate agents and mortgage brokers has changed my business for the better. I now have a great referral network and get business regularly from my connections. It is so easy to stay front of mind and nurture my relationships each day."

- Tanya Lasario


"I've never been able to get clients consistently until now. To see new potential clients joining my audience every day is amazing and I love getting into conversations with them."

- Jane Macbeth

(Business Coach)

"I've always loved LinkedIn as a tool to grow my business, but since working with the Leveraged Connections program I never really understood how much I was doing wrong. This is a complete step by step system and it just works. Growing my business has never been easier."

- Paul Martin

(IT Consultant)

"I use to spend a lot of time networking and getting myself out there. I always thought the more exposure I got, the more clients I would get. This wasn't always the case. Now I don't have to go networking if I don't want to, I have hundreds of conversations each month with my ideal target audience and I know exactly what to say and what to do next to help them become my next client"

- Jonathon Brady

(Book keeper)