The Conversation Flow Matrix

How To Turn Your Conversations Into New Business With Ease...

There is an art to turning conversations into business growth and the trick is to NOT SELL, but to invite, ask and deepen relationships/

The conversation flow matrix is the key to being successful.

It's how to easily build trust, deepen bonds and create new opportunities from any conversation you are in.

It's how to grow your client base at anytime you want to.

Let me walk you through it!

The 4 Circles Of The Conversation Flow Matrix

Stage #1: Appear

Stage #2: Deepen The Bond

Stage #3: Questions & Curiosity

Stage #4: Invite & Invite


These happen automatically for you with your campaigns. Appear could come from;

1. Connection requests and saying thanks for connecting

2. Birthday messages

3. Work Anniversary message

4. Loving someone's post and sending them a message

The purpose of appearing is to see who is willing and wanting to communicate back to you!

Deepen Bond

This is the MOST important part of the flow and if you can deepen the bond and find commonalities, connection and shared moments, then you will build trust FASTER than ever before.


1. Focus on making them FEEL good

2. Focus on playful, banter, fun

3. Focus on finding something in common or something that is a moment between you

If your intention is to learn, be curious and be relaxed then it will come across like that, and you will get better responses.


If it is a response back from a connection request then the next simple message is... I see you are in (insert their location from their profile), (now tell a story or share were you are)

Eg: I see you're from Sydney, me too, I'm over on the northern beaches, where abouts are you?

I see you're in Los Angles, which part? I use to conferences in Santa Monica there for years... Really miss that place

I see you are in Spain, it's a place I've never been but always wanted to go. Which part of Spain are you in?

If it is a response back from a birthday message then the next simple message to send is.... Absolute Pleasure, did you get up to anything to celebrate?

If it is a response back from a work anniversary message then the next simple message to send is.... Absolute Pleasure, I see you are in (location) (tell a story)


Absolute Pleasure, I love that last post of yours about (insert what)


Absolute Pleasure, find something in their profile to talk about

Questions / Curiosity

This is where you decide what direction you want to take the person.

Potential client path, referral source path, promotion partner path, or remove connection path.

After going back and forth 2-3 times in the deepen bond stage, you can move into this stage with opening lines such as...

- When you get a chance I'd love to learn more about your business and what you do

- When you get a chance I'd love to hear what sort of clients you are looking for (happy to keep my ears open for you)

- Love to hear more about your business and how you help your clients

Invite & Ask

This is what turns chit chat into growth conversations

I have done a special masterclass on getting your invite and ask right

Potential Things To Say:

Just adapt to what you do with your people and follow the overall flow.

Webinar / Masterclass:

Not sure if this would be helpful... I'm bringing together a bunch of (who) to show them how to (benefits) would you like to join us?

Free Guide:

I've just finished this free guide that help (who) to (what) let me know if you'd like a copy

** Insert picture of the guide front cover


I run a Facebook group for service professionals who want to grow & scale. It might be useful, would you like to join us?

If they say yes, send them over the link


I’m getting a few coaches together to brainstorm getting leads & clients. Would you like to join us?


I’m running a workshop for 6 & 7 figure coaches in [location] in [month]. Would you like to join us?

Coaching group:

I’m putting together a coaching group for [year] where I’m going to work with a handful of million dollar plus coaches privately. Would you like to work with me?

Working Together:

I’m looking for 5 six figure coaches who [desired result]. Not sure if this would help you?

Part 2 Video:

Here is part #2

This training is more around my mindset, my assumptions and how I tackle each conversation.

It is powerful in its learnings and you see a real life conversation that goes from circle 1 to 4 in a space of a few minutes.